The practises offered by the “Cercle du Yoga Jagannath” (Jagannath Yoga Circle) are an inherent part of Hatha Yoga. Their specific characteristic is that they are tied to Kriya Yoga meditation by their symbolism.
Based on the art of breath (or Prana) and the knowledge about the different centres of energy that are situated along the spinal column (the Chakras), the Kriya Hatha Yoga sequences that are proposed by Serge enable to become a complete being.
An equilibrium of the energy centres results in a profound state of peace of the body and the mind. That is the meaning of life. A unified and creative state. The Kriya Hatha Yoga positions are the same as in classical Hatha Yoga. Only the methodology and finality are different. The spiritual teachings and the physical practises are intrinsically tied to each other. The two mutually complement and enforce each other. You can practise the Kriya Hatha Yoga exercises without being initiated into Kriya Yoga. After all, when a physical practise is made with the right attitude, you are already exploring the consciousness with an open mind.
These practises result in a lucid mind, enhance concentration, improve the quality of the relationship with others. The perception of what is subtle is the awakening of a more profound dimension of being. You become more receptive to the understanding of the spiritual world. A state of stable et profound peace accompanies you through your life.
Kriya Yoga is a meditation practise: it’s the union of the soul and the breath.
Hatha Yoga is the union of the body and the soul.
Kriya Hatha Yoga is the union of the body, the soul and the breath.
The objective is the accomplishment of the divine in ourselves.