Special Thanks
We gathered together in a group of 120 people to share this extraordinary day.
100 Kriyabans united in the divine cave for morning meditation. It was a unique moment of contemplation and intense communion. We wish to thank all meditators for the quality of their intense meditation, and for their divine benevolent and warm presence.
Thanks to all who have contributed by giving their time and energy in organizing and preparing the enormous job for the day. Thanks to our cook as well as his assistants who satisfied our taste buds with savory dishes.
Thanks to Serge Baba for these great timeless sacred moments around the fire ceremony, for the flower offerings offered to the planets and for the great wheel of energy around the Navagrahas in which each person personally participated. This was a special moment given to each person to experience particular sacred encouragement and spiritual progress.
Thanks to Pat Maa for her enchanting poem.
Thanks to our two yoginis for unveiling practice of their asanas with perfect humbleness.
Thanks to our creative artists who, through the purity of their movements and their voices, awoke deep emotion and great feelings of gratitude. Yogamaya, the eternal ascetic yogi, was truly a guest among us.
Thanks again to Serge Baba, who’s intuitive sight, through the guidance of Babaji, had the initiative to make this magical meeting possible. For some Kriyabans, it helped reinforce their practice, for others it awoke a deep spiritual emotion. It gave an opportunity to open our hearts and spirits, to live the plenitude of sharing; a true divine gift through both its reception and giving.
We have dedicated this day to Swami Shankarananda Giri’s work by offering people the possibility to give their support through donations for the school and it’s children of Baijnabjhuli in the state of Orissa in India. Thank you for your donations and generosity.
Thanks to all in the Light and Grace of the Masters.
Hari Om Shanti Om
Meera Maa
Gathering of the 108 at La Roche Guyon – April 30th 2017
Kriyayogacharya Serge Baba’s Lecture
Pat Maa’s poem