Retreat in Rishikesh – February 2023

Ascension retreat in Annot (2017)
New year 2016 at La Roche Guyon
Retreat in Rishikesh – August 2015
Retreat in Andalusia in the Chipiona Franciscan monastery.
april 16-20th, 2014
Retreat in Rishikesh – August 2013
Retreat in La Roche Guyon – July 2013
A Day with Swamiji in La Roche Guyon on May 26th 2013
Retreat in New Caledonia – May 2013
Kriya meditation in La Roche Guyon on April 29th 2012
Some asanas practised by Swami Kalikananda Giri in the 1990s when he taught Hatha Yoga to the students of Prabhujee Medium School at the Kriya Yoga Ashram in Bhubaneswar, Orissa.